Ani Berta, Blogger, Content Writer, Social Media enthusiast, Founder of Indonesian Social Blogpreneur (Komunitas ISB), Founder detik Blogger Community, Co-Founder Blogger Reporter Indonesia Community, Member of IWITA (Indonesian Women IT Awareness), Serempak Community and Founder of ISB (Indonesian Social Blogpreneur)  in addition to concern in the digital and blog writing activities. 

She is also has a full activity in creative online media Femaledigest.com, there is active as a media manager with three other colleagues , Female Digest in the container, Ani Berta alongside fellow mission is to contribute to the Indonesian women everywhere through education in the form of seminars, Talkshow assisted by competent resource persons and providing information as possible in the online media run. Since the establishment of Seprember 2012, has made three parenting seminars and business.

Through Media blog and social media accounts owned, helping those who need the voluntary dissemination of information related to various issues that developed, with the hope of beneficial and have positive effects for the various parties.

With this contribution, had hopes that the Indonesian women can technology literacy and other insights gained from the seminar speakers fit the theme. Indonesian women to be creative, innovative and independent. After receiving a lot of knowledge, to be able to share it again to others.
Ani Berta have experience work in a consultancy for MAMPU on Australian Aid in 2015 for three months. Visited 10 Province to write a most significant changes story.


1.      Consultant & Media Monitoring Australian Aid - 2015  www.mampu.or.id
2.      Speaker at Asean Work Life Balance Conference - 2016 (Cyber Jaya Malaysia)
3.      Participants of Google Interviewees  - 2016
             4.    Reporter “Unbound Innovation Festival”  - 2017 (Marina Bay Sands Singapore)


1. 2019 Winner Danone Blogger Academy I Goes to Bali
2. 2019 Winner Mitsubishi Xpander IIMS 2019 Blog Competition

3. 2019 Winner 3rd CASIO Blog Competition
4. 2018 Winner Koaksi Blog Competition – Sumber Energi Terbarukan
5. 2018 Winner Danone Aqua Blog Competition – Bijak Berplastik
6. 2018 Winner Sorella Blog Competition – Breast Cancer Awareness
7. 2018  Winner Ginus Itaco Blog Competition – Siswa Wirausaha
8. 2017 Winner of Kesupermarket.com Blog Competition – Ranch Market Pondok Indah
9. 2017 Favorite Winner Mangga Dua Square Blog Competition – Podomoro
10. 2017 1st Winner Cullinary KPK – Kompasiana Blog Competition
11. 2017 1st Winner iPrice – Ecommerce Blog Competition
12. 2017 2nd Winner Ketapel’s Membatik – Kompasiana Blog Competition
13. 2017 1st Winner C2Live – Skyscanner Blog Competition
14. 2017 Finalis Danone Blogger Academy 2017
15. 2016  Runner Up Video Sinarmas Competition
16. 2016  1st winner Angkasa Pura  Blog Competition
17. 2016 Jelajah Gizi 2016 Destinasi Minahasa
18. 2015 2nd winner Blog Competition, Monde Boromon
19. 2015 1st winner  Accesstrade Blog on the spot, Sinarmas Bank
20. 2015 1st winner Ngulik Kompasiana Rigby Band Blog Competition  
21. 2015 2nd winner Javana Blog, Journalist & Photo Competition
22. 2015 2nd winner Dove Hair Nourishment Blog Competition, Imogen PR
23. 2015 3rd Winner Bebek Kaleyo Blog Competition
24. 2015 3rd Winner NMW Beauty Clinic Blog Competition
25. 2015 3rd winner Zwitsal Writing Competition
26. 2014 1st Winner Zwitsal Baby Spa Blog Competition
27. 2014 2nd Winner Kalbe Buzzer Competition
28. Writing Competition 2014 3rd Winner of Indosat, meaning Themes Women
29. 2014 Champion Favorites Bintaro Xchange Mall Blog Competition
30. 2014 2nd winner Competition Blog Care Kalbe, Kalbe Family
31. 2014 3rd winner Wipol Blogging Competition
32. 2014 2nd winner I Like Hk Movie
33. 2014 1st Blog Contest Winner Bank Sinarmas
34. 2014 2nd Competition Blog Sinarmas Land
35. 2013 Winner of Systema Nano Blog Competition
36. 2013 The Most Inspiring Blogger version of seconds Blogger Community
37. 2013 The Most Popular Blogger version of seconds Blogger Community
38. 2012 Mazda Blogging Competition Finalists IIMS 20124
39. 2012 2nd winner Short Story “Tell a Story about MRT Jakarta”
40. 2012 2nd winner Champion 2 Samsung Galaxy Note 1:01 Blog Contest
41. 2012 Member of the Month “Nutrisi Untuk Bangsa”
42. 2012 Top 10 Finalists Nutrition  Adventurers Bloggers and Media of Sari Husada. Gunungkidul Central Java Destination.
43. 2012 Finalists Blog  Competition about the "Migrant Workers"
44. 2012 Favorite Winner PLN 123 Blog Competition
45. 2009 Blogger of the Week Blogdetik.com
46. 2009 Champion Oli Top Favorites 1 Valentine Blogging Competition

1. Ehipasshiko School Blog Competition -2014
2. National ICT Olympiad 2016 at Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
3. Taruna Blog Competition 2017
4. National ICT Olympiad 2017 at Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
5 Car Of The Year Mobil123.com Blogging Competition - 2017
6  Treasury Journalist Writing Competition – 2019

7 Indonesia Property Expo Blog Competition - 2019


1. Talk show at Mother & Baby Fair, September 29, 2013, Balai Kartini Theme: "Writing For Mama, Creative and Productive At Home"
2. Sharing in Detik.com Sunday, 17 November 2013 Theme: "How To Get To Earn From Online Social Media Activity"
3. Kartini Day  In Pratama School Depok, April 21 2014 introduce Writing Blog & Social Media Safe
4. Moderator, Breastfeeding While Working Seminar, RS Puri Indah. June 15, 2013
5. Moderator Talkshow "The Impact of Mobile Internet For Child Development" At 115 Coffee - Jakarta. July 6, 2013
6. Discussion Resource Community About Benefits of Social Media Blogger Community Together seconds, Youth Pledge Museum, 27 April 2014
7. Speaker at Blog Writing Tourism Institute (STP) Sahid Theme: Writing Blog From Hobby Being Profession, date of October 12, 2013.
8. Speaker at Blogging Workshop With Oraboo Community and CNI (May 18, 2014, the Jakarta Museum Youth Pledge)
9. Speaker at Writing Popular Training for Youth (June 2014, Summit Hotel Bukit Indah, Bogor)
10. Speaker Blogging Workshop Fun Together Session 1-12 Qwords.com
11. Speaker Writing Workshop Blog For Employees CNI - 17 November 2014
12. Speaker Copywriting Workshop (April 2015, Communicasting Academy)
13. Speaker Writing Workshop (June 2015, the NGO Women Capable Sumatra, Bengkulu)
14. Speaker The ICT Empowerment Seminar (April June 2015, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection)
15. Speaker at National Seminar FST Entrepreneurship Week 2015 (Sept 2015, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)
16. Speaker at Asean Work Life Balance Conference 2016 (Cyber Jaya Malaysia)
17. Speaker at Retooling program IPEBI (Ikatan Pegawai Bank Indonesia) 2016
18. Speaker at UNESCO-Unitwin Training program 2016
19. Speaker at BINUS University – The Power of Content 2016
20. Speaker at CNI – Blogger Gathering – The Power of Social Media 2016
21. Speaker at Kompasianer Tangerang Selatan Community – Blogpreneur 2017
28. Speaker at Blogger Reporter Indonesia – Reportase A la Blogger 2017
29. Speaker at Jakarta Backpacker and Book Community (KUBU BPJ) – Produksi Konten 2017
30. Moderator at Detik.com – Blogger Bicara Komunitas 2017
31. Moderator Meet Up with Windy Ghemary – 2017
32. Moderator CNI Talkshow – Social Media Optimization 2017
33. MC at Big Bird Jalan-Jalan – 2017
34. Speaker at Indonesian Female Blogger Community – 2017
35. Speaker at Ramadhan Festivity with Flavor Bliss – 2017
36. Speaker at Republika – Repzone Community – 2017 
37. Narasumber Blogging - D'Moms &Kidz Community, 2017
38. Narasumber Forum Lingkar Pena Ciputat, 2017
39. Narasumber Workshop Content Writer – CNI, Des 2017
40. Moderator Workshop Menulis Bersama Dini Fitria, Feb 2018
41. Narasumber Blogging untuk FLP Ciputat – Feb 2018
42. Moderator Workshop CNI – Maret 2018
43. Moderator Workshop ISBxBlibli – Maret 2018
44. Narasumber Workshop Azalea Hair Care – Maret 2018
45. Narasumber Workshop Blogging – Indosat Ooredoo Balikpapan – Mei 2018
46. Narasumber Workshop Tentang Entrepreneur – Sampoerna University – Mei 2018
47. Narasumber untuk Program Saliha NET.TV- Juli 2018
48. Narasumber Workshop Leadership – Bank Indonesia – Agustus 2018
49. Narasumber Blogging untuk Rumah Tahanan Cipinang – Sept 2018
50. Moderator Talkshow Zbeauty – Sept 2018
51. Narasumber Blogging Workshop Untuk Srikandi Moslem Community – Nov 2018 
52. Talkshow Forum Lingkar Pena – January 2019
53. Talkshow Tangan Dia Atas (TDA) Community – January 2019
54. Moderator Indonesia Property Expo – February 2019
55. Komunitas Indonesian Social Blogpreneur Roadshow Malang - May 2019
56. Talkshow – Automotive for Women (Carsome Indonesia) – July 2019

57. Talkshow – Launching STOP Pneumonia with Save The Children & KBR Radio – Aug 2019



Mom and Kiddy Tabloid
Koran Sindo


Tabloid Prioritas


Twitter @aniRingo
Instagram @ani.berta


  1. Guru aku.....
    Seneng banget saya bacanya teh...
    Sangat menginspirasi.

  2. ebuset, 2009 udah menang lomba :)
    saya baru belajar ngeblog tuh wkwkwkwkwk

    btw, sesuatu banget dipercaya jadi juri kemendikbud ya
    *dua jempol nih

  3. Memang Teh Ani keren banget. Banyak banget prestasinya di bidang ngeblog. Semakin sukses untuk kedepannya teh!

  4. Kerennn banget teh saya sampe terkagum melihatnya hehehe, mudah2an bisa meneruskan jejaknya. BTW mulai ngeblog sejak umur berapa teh?

  5. Kerennn banget sangat memotivasi saya, harus banyak belajar lagi dan tidak mudah baper

  6. Keren banget nih mbak, inspiratif buat pemula didunia blog

  7. setelah melihat dan mendengar cerita mbak ani di acara saliha net tv, semangat saya untuk ngeblog yang sebelumnya terasa menurun, kini kembali meningkat, terima kasih mbak sudah mau berbagi cerita pengalaman dan tipsnya, sukses terus ya...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Duh.. terinspirasi banget teh buat menekuni dunia blogger ini..
    Doakan saya selalu survive ya, Aaminn..

  10. Keren banget portofolionya. SUkses selalu mba Ani Berta.

  11. Mashaallah Teh, usaha dan pengorbanan tidak mengkhianati hasil ya, sukses terus Teh Ani.

  12. Masyaa Alloh... keren banget teh Ani... sukses selalu yaa..

  13. Mantul banget pencapaiab Teh Ani Berta,keren pisan euy
